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Lecture 7, Tue 04/24

Midterm 1 Review

CS Midterm 1 Review

	- StudentID and writing utensil
	- Preferably ink or dark led
	- No electronic devices
	- No book
	- No notes

	- Will take place in CHEM 1171 or Phelps 2510
		- Sent an email earlier, if you didn't get it, please let me know
	- Seating chart will be posted for CHEM 1171

Format of the exam
	- Will be a mix of questions
	- Several short answer
		- Briefly define / describe / ...
	- Write code
	- Fill in the blank
	- There will be six questions
		- may have multiple parts
	- You will have the entire class period to complete the exam
	- Will cover a broad range of material this quarter, but probably not everything

	- Will cover everything up to Tuesday (4/17) lecture
		- this includes insertion sort
		- hashing will be covered in midterm 2

	- Know the basics
	- Know how to create makefile rules with dependencies
		- for example, create an executable with multiple files that need to be linked
	- Know the build process
	- Know default behavior
	- ...

Standard Template Library
	- We did review some details about the vector container
	- Reviewed iterators
	- some methods

Class Design
	- How to design an interface (.h) and its implementation (.cpp).
	- public vs. private, accessor (getter) vs. mutator (setter)
	- constructors (default, copy, overloaded)
	- scope resolution operators

Structs and Classes
	- What are the differences?
	- How do items get stored in memory (memory padding)
	- syntax of structs vs. classes
	- ...

	- Avoids naming collisions
	- How do we create namespaces?
	- How to use namespaces (::, using ...)
	- Global namespace

Binary Search
	- recursive and iterative implementations
	- what are the constraints
	- running times

Quadratic Sorting Algorithms
	- bubbleSort, selectionSort, and insertionSort
	- Know how to implement / read / fill in tables / ...
	- bubbleSort's optimization
	- Best and worst case scenarios
	- O-notation